Confirmed dead? *Spoilerish*

Second episode of the fourth season.
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Confirmed dead? *Spoilerish*

Post by David3 »

If you have seen promos for next week's episode then this won't be spoiler, but if you avoid promos then don't read any further.

Basically, there is now an extended promo, where it would seem the people confirmed dead would be the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815. As in, they find the plane in the ocean, confirming Naomi's and Cooper's accounts that the wreckage was found and there are no survivors. My question is, any ideas on how there is two planes, one in the ocean and one crashed into the island? I've got a crazy theory that those on the freighter may be responsible for fake wreckage. If there is a coverup to avoid the island being found, its possible that fake wreckage was planted to end the search for 815. What if the freighters know all about our losties and are repsonsible for the ended of the search for them.

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